About Us
The pup who started it all.
Our Yum Pup story goes back to when a tiny Yorkshire Terrier named Blue, after the leading bird in the movie Rio, came into my life. From the second we met it was love at first sight! Since then I have dedicated our time together to make Blue’s quality of life the best possible and maximize our time together. Because if it were up to me, pups would live forever.
One day while driving to the airport, I came across the factory that made the food I was feeding Blue at the time. The image of these huge, looming towers with smoke coming out of them, so far away from home, still haunts me to this day. At that moment I made the decision to transition Blue to a different food, one that included a balanced diet using ingredients that I knew were healthy for him, that I could see in the bowl and that didn’t include preservatives or fillers.
After tons of research and countless conversations with vets, our recipes were born. Blue enjoyed our food in private for a while until my other half (the human one) encouraged me to share them with other obsessed dog parents. Today you can be part of our Yum Pup movement, one that believes in empty bowls, happy tummies and big smiles.

The face behind yum pup
I was born in Cuba and migrated with my family to the United States when I was a teenager. Growing up my love for animals always came through – that’s right, I prefer to hang out with dogs over people (and who doesn’t?).
After I graduated high school, I completed my undergrad and graduate degrees in Business Administration. While in college, I learned about a work study program at the largest Spanish television network in the country. There, I was introduced to the corporate social responsibility world and to say that I felt in love with the work the company was doing to empower minorities is an understatement.
For the past decade, I have been leading programs to improve the lives of undeserved communities around the country and now I’m using my experience in business driving purpose-driven initiatives to develop one of my passions and make an impact in the lives of pups through my small business, while giving back to organizations that are changing the lives of less fortunate animals.